ECC releases resources for building mobile, shielded-Zcash wallets

Last year, Electric Coin Co. released reference code for an experimental Android SDK wallet, the first working implementation of a mobile, shielded-Zcash wallet. Today we are releasing a suite of libraries to support the shielded-Zcash ecosystem. 

We are excited to announce: 

  • An improved Android SDK, now with mainnet support 
  • A new iOS SDK that provides equivalent functionalities 
  • A compatible lightwalletd server with increased speed and efficiency 

Our goal is to provide the resources necessary to support developers in their efforts for shielded addresses on mobile wallets on Android and iOS platforms. While still in active development, these open-source wallets are ready for teams to use, experiment with, and explore. 

The mission

Our goal is bring financial freedom to everyone, and key to this objective is increasing the access and adoption of shielded addresses. If you’re a developer, we encourage you to build shielded-compatible mobile wallets with the SDKs and lightwalletd server. 

Head over to the reference wallet chat channel to talk with the wallet team. We welcome and appreciate feedback in the form of PRs, comments, and new issue reports on any of the code repositories above. Be sure to keep an eye on the ZIPs repository for upcoming proposals that improve the reference wallet or light client code. Like everything we do, community collaboration is critical to the success of this project.

Where to find the code

These libraries are open sourced and available for use today.

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