Zcash might have the most diverse community of any crypto ecosystem.
It includes world-class cryptographers and engineers, leaders from other major crypto projects, deep-thinking investors. And it is full of people with varied ideologies. Zcash is supported by the most heavily regulated exchanges and the most emboldened cypherpunks and freedom fighters.
Why? Because we share a common purpose. We share a common belief that all people should have the access and option to participate in economic activity, without censorship or surveillance, using technology that evolves as the world evolves.
There are many enemies of economic freedom, and there are many critics of Zcash. But in spite of many significant challenges and attacks, Zcash has grown stronger and its ecology more diverse, month-after-month, year-after-year.
Now Zcash’s strength is about to become more deeply rooted, and it’s ecology even more diverse.
In November 2020, Zcash will celebrate its 4th birthday with the activation of a network upgrade named Canopy. This network upgrade will establish a new development fund, largely earmarked for new participants to improve, build upon, extend and support Zcash. At the same time, Zcash will experience its first halvening and the “Founders Reward” will cease.
Just as in biology, the name Canopy represents an ecosystem — a community — that includes a network of trees, a tapestry of color, and a home for many forest denizens of all shapes and sizes all across the tree tops and on the forest floor.
For the next 13 weeks, we are going to celebrate community. Leading up to the activation of Canopy, expect news and announcements, events, and SWAG giveaways, with something new coming every week.
We start today. The first 13 people to DM us on Twitter at @ElectricCoinCo with the answer to who proposed the name Canopy for this network upgrade will receive a Zcash Canopy shirt! To be eligible, you must also show us where you found the answer.

If you aren’t one of the first 13 or don’t have the answer but want to buy a shirt, you can also do that here (we are selling it at cost). Expect to see something new on the site every week until Canopy activates, and stay tuned for another announcement next week.
Love, peace and z2z.