Fellowship of the ZEC

Electric Coin Co. kicked off a new tradition last month: the Fellowship of the ZEC.

Our goal is to get one ZEC passed to each person at the company using only shielded transactions. In order to prove we have “touched” the ZEC, and thus participated in the fellowship, we add our names to the memo field as we pass it along the next person in the chain. 

Because it’s the season of giving, we’re also including in the memo field a charity of choice that accepts ZEC (check out Paywithz.cash for a full list). Each person in the chain has the option of adding a little more to the pot before passing it onto the next person. Once the ZEC has been passed along to every person at the company, we will donate the final amount to the charity with the most memo field votes. Stay tuned for an update!


In the first hour of this exercise, we passed the ZEC through six shielded addresses (zaddrs), including a historic zaddr, the first Sapling shielded address to receive a payment on mainnet (in block 419201) and the first to make a fully shielded Sapling payment. We used Zcashd, zecwallet-lite CLI, zecwallet-lite GUI and zecwallet full node. Some people even made their transaction over Tor. (Why Tor, you ask? While shielded transactions give you blockchain-level privacy, making the transaction over Tor gives you additional network-level privacy.) 

“It might sound corny, but these traditions bring us together. It’s fun to learn and play with the technology we work so hard to create, day in and day out,” said Kevin Gorham, ECC’s principal mobile engineer. “There is so much power and potential in this protocol.”

And if you think all of this sounds too complicated, just ask Andy Murray, our CFO. “If I did it, anyone can do it.”

Send a shielded transaction of ZEC to your charity of your choice and include “Fellowship of the ZEC” in the memo field. Are you a nonprofit organization that advocates for privacy? Reach out and we can get you set up with supporting shielded ZEC donations.

Link to Aug 2019 Charitable Giving post.