Sapling Transaction Anatomy

With the Sapling activation approaching, we’re continuing our education on what users and third-party services can expect. We recently announced

New Release: 2.0.1

This release introduces Sapling support into the wallet RPC of the Zcash node software! Sapling Activation Mainnet This release is


By now, you have probably heard about Sapling, the second “software-updates-required” network upgrade for Zcash. Sapling introduces significant efficiency improvements

Perspectives on Sapling

Last week we introduced a video series called Perspectives. These short interviews were conducted at Zcon0 on various topics relevant

New Release: 2.0.0

We’re happy to announce the release of Zcash 2.0.0, the first Sapling-compatible version of the Zcash node software! Sapling Activation

Completion of the Sapling MPC

Zcash’s next major upgrade, codenamed Sapling, will be activated later this year. One of our final goals before activation is

What’s New in Sapling

The next major upgrade of Zcash, codenamed Sapling, is scheduled to activate in October 2018. The specific block height has

New Release: 1.1.2

Zcash 1.1.2 has been released on the heels of Zcon0. This Overwinter-compatible release focused on implementing internal changes necessary for

Zcash Sapling Activation Delayed

The next major Zcash protocol upgrade, called Sapling, has been delayed by six weeks (one release cycle). Sapling introduces significant

New Release: 1.1.1

Zcash 1.1.1 has arrived!  This release is an Overwinter-compatible version of the Zcash node software, with initial support for Sapling consensus

Announcing the Sapling MPC

Zcash’s shielded transactions rely on zk-SNARKs — small, fast-to-verify zero-knowledge proofs of arbitrarily complicated statements. These proving schemes rely on